
public lottery

BCS provides families with an innovative, empowering and results-oriented choice.

The public random lottery for the 2024-2025 school year was held via Zoom on March 2nd @ 9am.

Parents who submitted enrollment applications for their child(ren) by the Open Enrollment deadline of February 16, 2024 should have received more details about their status following the lottery. If you have questions about your child’s status, you can email enroll@bullischarterschool.com to inquire with our Enrollment Team.

NOTE: Any applications submitted after the Open Enrollment deadline are automatically placed at the end of the waitlist based on their enrollment priorities in the order they are submitted. 

Bullis Charter School (BCS) is a free public charter school authorized by the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE) and subject to the fiscal and programmatic oversight of the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE).